1. Add your BotConversa configuration

  1. In the Destinations tab, click on the “Add destination” button located on the top right of your screen. Then, select the BotConversa option from the list of connectors.

  2. Click Next and you’ll be prompted to add your configurations:

    • API key: The token to authenticate against the API service, obtained from your BotConversa account.

    • Message template: The message template to send via WhatsApp. Each row of your table will be translated to a WhatsApp message. You can use variables such as for inserting the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or reference a column value by using .

    • Subscriber ID column name: The name of the column on your input table where the subscriber_id for each user on BotConversa can be found. This is necessary in order for the connector to know who to send the messages to.

    • Enable partial success: Whether the connector should continue trying to sync records after one fails.

    Short example

    Imagine you have the following table:

    Jonh Done
    Peter Krauss
    Mary Jane

    For each row in the table, a WhatsApp message will be sent to the correspondent subscriber_id.

    If you define your message config as:

    Hello {name},
    Your balance for {datestamp} is $ {balance}.

    The final message for the first row of the table would look like:

    Hello John Doe,
    Your balance for 2025-02-06 is $ 1200.00.

    This process repeats for each row in the table.

  3. Click Next.

2. Select your catalog data to send

  1. The next step is letting us know which table you want to use as input for the BotConversa destination.

    Tip: The tables can be easily found by typing its name.

  2. Click Next.

3. Configure your BotConversa data destination

  1. Describe your destination for easy identification within your organization. You can inform things like what data it sends, to which team it belongs, etc.

  2. To define your Trigger, consider how frequently you need to have the data updated on the destination (every day, once a week, only at specific times, etc.).

  3. Click Done.

Check your new destination!

Once completed, you’ll receive confirmation that your new destination is set up!

You can view your new destination on the Destinations page. Now, in order for the messages to be sent, you have to wait for the pipeline to run. You can monitor it on the Destinations page to see its execution and completion. If needed, manually trigger the pipeline by clicking on the play icon.

Once executed, your your messages should be sent through BotConversa.

If you encounter any issues, reach out to us via Slack, and we’ll gladly assist you!