Permissions will help you to take care of the data governance in your workspace. Using this resource, you can control who can access and edit each table and layer (individually or for a group of people).

Managing permissions is only available for Growth or Custom plans. If you have a Starter plan, consider that all people added to your workspace will be a member with Manager permissions.

Existing roles

Each person inside a workspace will have one of these three roles:

1. OwnerCan view and edit everything
2. AdminCan view and edit everything except the Billing module
3. MemberWill have the permissions defined by an admin/owner, accordingly to the rules defined below

Members permissions

Differently from owners and admins, members have their access controlled. If you are a member, your access to layers and tables will be either Viewer, Editor or Manager.

The type of permission given to a user in a specific layer will be applied to all tables inside that layer.

Check below the impacts in each feature considering the permission given to a member.

See layers (with access)xxx
See tables (with access)xxx
Change layers descriptions, table descriptions, field descriptionsxx
Manage users (add, remove, change viewer/editor permission)x
Manage users (change viewer/editor/manager permissions)*
Create Layers*
See all layers*
See sources/destinations/transformationsxxx
Add sources/destinations/transformationsxx
Edit sources/destinations/transformationsxx
Activate\Deactivate sources/destinations/transformationsxx
Manual trigger sources/destinations/transformationsxx
Delete sources/destinations/transformationsx
See runsxxx
Execute queriesxxx
Edit queriesxxx
Individually save queriesxxx
Delete saved queriesxxx
See settings*
Manage user and roles*
Create user groups*
Add users*
Manage billings**

* Only admins and owners can do it.

** Only owners can do it.

All other features’ access is accordingly to the data they have access to.


Instead of applying the rules for a specific member of your team, you can create groups and apply the rules for the whole group at once.

Please, consider that if your group has, for example, a viewer permission to a specific table, but your individual account has been granted with a editor permission, the editor permission will be considered! We’ll always use the higher permission given to your account in case of multiple options.

If you encounter any issues, reach out to us via Slack, and we’ll gladly assist you!