The Nekt Lakehouse architecture can be strategically divided into layers, providing a meaningful way to organize your tables for your team. In the platform, you’ll see this division in the Catalog.

When your catalog is initialized, it comes with three default layers: Raw, Trusted, and Service. You can modify these layers and/or add new ones later on to ensure the structure matches the needs of your organization.

You are free to manage your layers as you see fit, but here is a suggested integrated approach for using each default layer:

Raw Layer

The Raw Layer serves as the entry point for all incoming data, acting as a vast repository that captures and stores data in its original, unprocessed form. This ensures the comprehensive collection of data across various sources, preserving its integrity and fidelity for accurate future processing and analysis. By maintaining data in its native format, organizations can ensure full data lineage and auditability, which is crucial for compliance and governance.

Trusted Layer

The next level up, the Trusted Layer, is where raw data undergoes significant transformation to become clean, validated, and standardized. Through a series of processing steps, including cleansing, deduplication, and quality checks, data at this layer is refined into a reliable format that can be trusted for analytical and operational processes. This layer serves as the backbone of data quality, ensuring that downstream analytics are based on accurate and consistent data sets.

Service Layer

The pinnacle of the Lakehouse architecture, the Service Layer, makes the processed and curated data available for a wide array of uses, from analytics and reporting to machine learning and artificial intelligence. It’s here that the data is put into action, serving insights and supporting decision-making across the organization. This layer not only facilitates the easy consumption of data by end-users and applications but also enables the seamless integration of advanced analytical models and AI/ML deployments, turning data into a powerful asset for innovation and growth.

The Integrated Approach

By adopting this layered approach, the Nekt Lakehouse architecture ensures a smooth and efficient flow of data from its point of entry through to its use in driving business outcomes. Each layer builds upon the work of the previous, creating a cohesive and streamlined pipeline that enhances data accessibility, quality, and utility. The result is a robust data ecosystem that empowers organizations to leverage their data more effectively, transforming raw data into actionable insights and strategic intelligence.

This integrated framework not only optimizes data management practices but also aligns with the evolving needs of modern businesses, enabling them to harness the full potential of their data in a dynamic and competitive landscape.